Community Energy Birmingham is a Society for Community Benefit

Our primary aim is to produce social benefit for the communities that we work with and to reduce carbon emissions in the city of Birmingham

We do this by raising money to install and own renewable energy systems connected to community buildings, mainly using solar PV panels.

This benefits the community organisations that we partner by reducing their energy costs by supplying cheap, fixed-price electricity, so making their services more financially and environmentally sustainable.

We raise the money to pay for the installations by offering people community shares in the society. We pay back our investors from the Feed in Tariff income and the sale of electricity, over 20 years, including a modest rate of return for the investment in so far as the society can afford it, decided at the Annual General meeting.

Any profits that we make are within the Society’s rules, only to be used for the benefit of the community. We define “community” as the local community in Birmingham

In particular we aim to benefit the local areas where we are working with our community partners. At present these include Moseley, Balsall Heath and Sparkbrook. In the future we hope to identify partners to work with in other areas of Birmingham.

CEB is owned by its members on a one member-one-vote principle and is a member of Co-operatives UK, as it accords with the internationally recognised Co-operative principles.

We are governed by The Rules of a Community Benefit Society, which you can read and/or download below.

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