CEB is run by a board of directors who meet bi-monthly and are elected by the members at Annual General Meetings.
The current directors and their skills and experience are listed below.

Secretary: Phil Beardmore. Phil is a highly experienced and respected sustainability consultant. He was one of the founders of the Birmingham Social Enterprise Energy Network in 2005. He is a Director of the think-tank Localise West Midlands, and co-wrote the Birmingham Energy Advice Manual. In 2010 he was voted one of the top 50 Green Leaders in the West Midlands. He is also a board member of Cooperatives West Midlands.

Chair : Laurie Duncan. Laurie is a PhD student in the Energy Systems and Policy Analysis research group at the University of Birmingham, investigating the role of local authorities in the transition to Net Zero. He founded Birmingham Cup, a cup return scheme at the university which aims to replace all single-use coffee cups using a circular economic business model. Laurie volunteers at conferences run by Climate Change Solutions, showcasing decarbonisation and sustainability innovations across the West Midlands.

Treasurer: Dr. John Newson. John has a PhD in Technology Policy from Aston University. He has been Development Officer for Balsall Heath is Our Planet since 2009 and is well-known as a sustainability consultant. He has also been a Climate-KIC West Midlands ambassador in Poland, and has mentored Climate-KIC project workers in Birmingham. He is lead waste campaigner for Birmingham Friends of the Earth and he also belongs to the Old Home: Super Home network and regularly hosts open days at his home, to demonstrate its various energy-generation and energy-saving measures.

Director: Shaz Rahman. Shaz works as a Domestic Energy Assessor and Insulation Surveyor. He is a member of the Management Committee of Birmingham Friends of the Earth and is a director of The Real Junk Food Project which diverts surplus food to those who need it. He also has a blog about environmental campaigning and co-ops.
Director: Daniel Wilson.Daniel worked for many years as a computer programmer in a CADCAM company. He put solar panels onto his own house at an early stage and is an enthusiast for renewable energy. He has been involved with solar at All Saints Church, Kings Heath and he invests in CEB and other community energy schemes, including Power for Good.
Director: Beate Pesian.Beate is co-founding Director of the recruitment consultancy Worksmiths. She supports organisations to develop their Sustainability and ESG strategies by helping them identify the roles and functions they need and finding the right talent to achieve their ambitions. Beate also acts as a right-hand recruitment partner when businesses appoint their international executive positions. At the same time, she mentors and champions career returners, career changers and the changemakers of tomorrow as they find their right-fit role. Prior to life in the UK, Beate qualified as a lawyer in Germany and worked in litigation.